Monday, July 22, 2013

Imperial Guard as Allies... Only?

Imperial Guard are more and more often appearing as allies.

Sisters of Battle benefit a great deal from the hole they fill, while so many others do also.  The Vindetta and the Manticore in particular are universally useful and powerful units that can seriously add to the threat profile on any army.  Most armies can benefit from a cheap troops choice, and Marbo is a boon no matter what army we talk about.  He's 65 points of Why the Hell Not?

I have noticed the uptick in Imperial Guard usage and with that I have also observed that players are diminishing in the number of actual Imperial Guard armies!  What gives?

A lot of codex's have dropped, and that could certainly be some cause for it, but I have played merely a handful of games against IG in the last few months and its actually kinda shocking how rare they suddenly are.  I know a lot of people who had the beginings of an army of this or that and are now using that as the core of their force with their normally mainline IG now playing back up.

I have to ask those who are perhaps ion other metas if they have noticed this?

I looked at the codex again with a critical eye and honestly, I still see the fearsome beast of an army it can be.  It is no less imposing in 6E.  Gunlines are if anything more powerful, the importance of speed and mobility never more obvious and the need for bodies never more evident...  All of which the IG have.

Thoughts on this?  Is this just my areas IG wilting or is it something else I haven't sensed? 


  1. I'm still using IG in Leicester! I run them with allied sisters, celestine and a squad of dominions fill a nice hole in my double manticore/vendetta list.
    It's not über powerful, still has character but I enjoy it :)

  2. Nice. so what's the complete list? Just curious what's going on over there in Leicester. Cool name by the way, Lightning Slayer. Also, what kind of opposing armies are typical in your neighborhood?

  3. lol thanks re the name :) my list usually looks like this at 1850:

    CC squad

    2x manticore
    2x vedetta
    leman russ eradicator hbolters all over
    platoon a
    PC squad, 4 flamers
    3x platoon squads, all with las/plas

    platoon 2
    PC squad, 4 flamers
    2x platoon squads, all with las/plas
    autocannon team

    sisters squad (10) in rhino, searchlight 2 flamers
    dominion squad (5) in rhino double flamer and combi flamer

    i mainly play against power armour, and do fairly well. the leman russ blocks LOS to one manticore (which can still see over :) ) whilst the other hides. enough bodies to carpet an area and stop any DS shenanigans.
    the dominions scout forward and burn the crap out of something, TL flamers on the first turn surprise most people. the vendettas are empty, i just throw celestine at power armour or MC. she gets back up, who cares!

    i tend to struggle with hordes, and terminators.

  4. If you've read the blog for a bit, you'll know I'm a Sisters player and love dominion squads. very escellent. I use 10 of them in the unit.

  5. Yup! Nobody expects alpha striking sisters. I'd love to see your thoughts on a 30 dominion alpha strike list, maybe with some sw drop pods to support?

  6. I have recently played that very thing:

    1 Manticore Rocket Launcher

    4 Retributor Squad, Simulacrum Imperialis; Heavy Flamer x4;
    1 Retributor Superior (Storm Bolter x1;

    1 Rhino

    9 Battle Sister Squad, (Flamer x2;)
    1 Sister Superior
    1 Rhino (Vehicle (Hunter-killer Missile)

    9 Battle Sister Squad, (Flamer x2;)
    1 Sister Superior
    1 Rhino (Vehicle (Hunter-killer Missile)

    9 Battle Sister Squad, (Flamer x2;)
    1 Sister Superior
    1 Rhino (Vehicle (Hunter-killer Missile)

    9 Veteran Squad
    1 Veteran Sergeant

    1 Saint Celestine,

    1 Primaris Psyker

    9 Dominion Squad, (Simulacrum Imperialis; Flamer x4; )
    1 Dominion Superior
    1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Hunter-killer Missile)

    9 Dominion Squad, (Simulacrum Imperialis; Meltagun x4)
    1 Dominion Superior
    1 Rhino (Hunter-killer Missile)

    9 Dominion Squad, (Simulacrum Imperialis; Flamer x2; Meltagun x2)
    1 Dominion Superior
    1 Rhino (Hunter-killer Missile)

    1 Vendetta


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